Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Suntory ジュッキ

My first beer from Suntory seems to be a standard issue lager. Its claim is to be a 'Lively and crispy draft'. There's rather a sudden taste which mellows, but is still sharp. I suppose crispy is quite an apt description.
Today was our last day of adult class training, only the kids training separates me from actually having to do some real teaching. Today felt so long! We had to demo an 80 minute lesson and I think we took more like 120. I need to reduce the sarcastic humor a tad in a realy lesson though ;) I'll have to be sure to avoid drinking too many Suntory Jug-Namas before my lessons.
Like all the other beers this one is quite light in colour and not too fizzy, something I think I'm going to have to get used to.
The aftertaste dies away quite quickly and is rather refreshing.

Details: Suntory Jug-nama. 350ml. 5%.

Sunday, 25 February 2007

Asahi ぐびなま

Today's beer is another by Asahi (they make loads) called Gubinama. The can is covered in Sakura blossom, but sadly the beer itself isn't pink. It's a distinctive taste, very different to the super dry. It recorded a 'no - take it away' on the Gareth-o-meter, which is a par score for a beer. It's perhaps a little sour and again not very fizzy (this one hasn't been in my fridge). I'm keeping warm now under my new Kotatsu which is keeping me warm, saving me money on heating, and making my apartment all japanese in one fell swoop. No work today (woo!) as even trainees are given one day off a week; though I do have some homework to finish for tomorrow. Getting back to the beer, which has a nicely decorated can, probably heralding the Sakura which I must go and see, the aroma is almost sweet
contrasting well with the after taste.The printing demands that I 'enjoy to the last drop' and it appears that I have.

Details: Asahi Gubinama. 350ml. 5%.

(I did go and have some nice beer in a bar - I don't just waste away in this tiny shoebox aparto, I do go out occasionally - but I didn't take my camera so you'll just have to take my word for it)

Thursday, 22 February 2007

Kirin のどごし

Yesterday was my first day of training to be an English teacher; after which we all went out for drinks at Shooters, an American bar in the city. I was drinking Heineken there, which doesn't really deserve mentioning here. I watched some of the Japan - USA under 21 football, which was interesting to watch, especially in a bar full of Japanese and Americans.
So, today's beer is Kirin Nodogoshi. The can proudly claims that "Kirin's brewing technology elaborates the NODOGOSHI", whatever that means. The scent isn't as strong as the Asahi, and the colour a slightly deeper gold. The taste is quite smooth and light. It's another one which isn't particular fizzy (perhaps that's my fridge?) and the head swiftly disappears. It's flowing down my gullet pretty quickly, which is always a good sign; thought perhaps relates more to the fact that I've had a hard day training. The trainers gave us a set of Monty Python sketches to read out and since I'm the only Brit, I used a variety of silly voices. I finished the day with an observation of an adult class. There was only one student so it was perhaps a bit intimidating for her with two men in the room, but she held her own and seemed pretty happy at the end. I also met some kids who were probably a bit scared of the tall white guy towering over them, but to be honest, I'm more scared of them, they're so unpredictable!
Getting back to the beer, I'm feeling pretty good about it; I'd have it again (which is good, since I have 5 more cans in the fridge). If you see it in a shop near you it's worth checking out.
Next time I'm going to try and find a more Japanesy bar and sample somthing draught, with more pictures.

Details: Kirin Nodogoshi. 5%. 350ml.

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Asahi スーパードライ

I'm starting with a rather mainstream beer, one that I've had several times before in England. There's some talk on the can of how fantastic the beer is going to be. It's only a 350ml can, which, unfortunatly, seems to be the standard in Japan. Costing about 200円 it wasn't cheap either. (I've since discovered that the drug store down the road sells alcohol suprisingly cheaply and I have a six pack of tomorrow's beer chilling in the fridge).
Then can opens with a pleasing sound and reveals an aroma which could only be described as 'lager'. As promised the taste is dry (but is it *super dry*? Only time and comparison will tell). It's not too fizzy, which I like. I can't show you what colour it is because I'm drinking from the can (I am classy, no?). Slight whiff of alcohol when draining the can, but nothing too bad. In conclusion, it's nice, but I knew that anyway.

Details: Asahi Super Dry. 5%. 350ml.

Tomorrow: Kirin Nodogoshi - something I've not had before.