Monday, 19 March 2007

Kirin Enjuku Kuro

There's been lots going on recently. I've finished training and have been let out into the wild, so to speak. Today's beer is a bit different; it's a dark beer. The taste is bitter and subtly sweet, quite like Mild, unsuprisingly. It's a welcome change after two weeks of nothing but Japanese lager. (With a break for St. Patrick's, o'course). In other news Gareth and I braved a trip to Ise and fell foul of the unnecessarily complicated Japanese rail system. We took the Kintetsu line with a change, which we managed without too much of a mishap. It turns out that there's not really all that much to see at Ise, apart from a shrine or two. So we had noodles, saw the shrines (including a monk in a funny hat) and caught the fast train home.

The Shrine at Ise

The weekend was pretty quiet, since I don't get paid until April and I'm down to my last pennies, so send me money to keep drinking!

Kirin 円熟黒 (lit: Dark Perfection). 350ml. 6%.


Anonymous said...

I have been reading about a set of monks in Japan who meditate whilst running. They run up to 50 miles per day for 7 years, not every day, before they become fully fledged monks. If you can get a picture of you running along side one of them I'll send £4.27 for you to purchase booze with.

ninjahamster said...

I see that your beer blog lasted a long time ;)